Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Today's Topic - Shields

Today’s Topic – Shields

Shields, for any psychic this is an important topic, so my next few posts will deal with topic…

A simple type of shield is cloaking, to do this you'll want to form a mental image of what you want to project onto others. You can project yourself as "invisible" or something static (for example, a tree, house, etc...). Whatever you choose, you should have a clear understanding of what the objects energy is like. You'll want to create a shield that emits this same type of energy. The goal isn't to physically make yourself look like a hedge, but rather to get the attacker to glance over you. Send something like "Nothing to see here, just a tree". This may not hide you from someone who is much more skilled then you are, but if you are skilled enough it will stop most annoying attacks, especially those from people just out to “test their muscle”.

Tomorrow I will cover another type of shield, and perhaps some times to use different types of shield.

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