Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Telepathy - My Experiences

Telepathy – My personal Experiences

I guess I always knew I was different…. I could always sense what people where about to say or do, but it really hit when my best friend and I figured out we could “talk” to each other without saying or signing anything, even over a distance. That was about 19 years ago now, that day where we figured out that we could do that, and to this day we still use it to say things that we want to keep private.

This was also the point where we both really started being “the shoulder to cry on” for most everybody we knew, people quickly figured out that somehow we understood them, and that we always knew just when someone needed a hug or even just a pat on the back…. But there’s a down side to it too, we both tend to pick up on the stress of everybody in the room, or the excitement of everybody in the room, and get all stressed out or fired up ourselves. It’s made us some friends, but it’s also made enemies… those that don’t understand that it’s not evil.

In general, it’s been great all these years once we learned to control it… but the first year or 2 after “unlocking” our abilitys I would not wish on anybody, because it was rough.

Anyway, that’s enough for now, I could say a lot on this, but there’s a lot of really personal stuff that I am not putting here…

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